Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress nominees, and Directors Choice Chorus members must bring what we call a Dressy Outfit. It is very similar to Dressy Outfits required by the Jimmy Awards. This outfit is used in all numbers where a show costume is not used. Group numbers can get quite physical — dancing, bending over, squatting — and you will need to be comfortable, appropriately covered, and supported. For lighting purposes, avoid shiny/shimmery fabrics.
Dressy Outfits Note: For past participants, the Dressy Outfit is an update to the Dressy Blacks of past years. All Nominees are required to bring at least one of the following options: Black suit, black dress pants, or black dress skirt with:
Shoes & Accessories
Nominees may bring one of the following in addition to at least one option from the list above: Knee-length dress in a solid color other than black with a modest neckline
Shoes & Accessories
Show Costumes All Best Actor/Best Actress nominees must bring a costume from their show for their character medley segment. We may make adjustments as necessary to help performers with movement, facial visibility, placement of our microphone, etc. We can help students with a replacement costume if need be. We may also choose to replace a costume as we deem necessary, in consultation with the performer. Each Best Actor/Best Actress nominee should wear the costume worn during the school production when that student is performing with their school’s ensemble. If you are only performing with your school’s ensemble as a production award finalist, wear the costume from your production appropriate to the song being performed. Bring the costume, or make sure your school does. Jimmy Awards Winners of the Best Actor and Best Actress Awards will also have to take their Dressy Outfit and may take their Show Costume with them to New York for the Jimmy Awards. Costumer We have a costume coordinator associated with our production to help in the event of a student not being able to find appropriate attire or for any costume issues. If you have any questions, ask us. |
Photos by Max Woltman Photography